TRAVEL NOTICE: | The World Health Organization has declared a public health emergency due to the outbreak of Coronavirus. If you have travel concerns and would like to know more about your coverage options, please contact us. For travel emergencies, always call the 24/7 line on the back of your card.
Are you with a ministry or church?
We have a product just for you!
short term plans

Our short-term plans are designed for travelers that will be traveling for less than 180 days at a time. If you will be traveling for more than 180 days consecutively, please view our long-term plans.

Safe Endeavor. Travel Safe.Cover Your Adventure.

Whether you are studying, interning, teaching or going on a school trip abroad… We have you covered!

Travel Insurance

Get the best protection when you or your groups travel.

Painless Claims

We want to make the claims process as simple as possible.

24/7 Assistance

Get dedicated travel and medical assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Buy A Card. Give A Meal.
For every card you buy, we send a gift to Venture. 100% of the gift goes to their feeding program and a war refugee child in Southeast Asia gets a meal! Together with education opportunities, they get a chance for a new life.
Having A Travel Emergency? If you have a Basic, Plus,
or Premium Plan, call:
(844) 359-0417
If you have a 365 or 365
Sport Plan, call:
(855) 851-2970
contact us file a claim